Interface BookmarkManager

All Superinterfaces:

public interface BookmarkManager extends Serializable
Keeps track of bookmarks and is used by the driver to ensure causal consistency between sessions and query executions.

Please note that implementations of this interface MUST NOT block for extended periods of time.

Implementations must avoid calling driver.

See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Gets an immutable set of bookmarks.
    updateBookmarks(Set<Bookmark> previousBookmarks, Set<Bookmark> newBookmarks)
    Updates bookmarks by deleting the given previous bookmarks and adding the new bookmarks.
  • Method Details

    • updateBookmarks

      void updateBookmarks(Set<Bookmark> previousBookmarks, Set<Bookmark> newBookmarks)
      Updates bookmarks by deleting the given previous bookmarks and adding the new bookmarks.
      previousBookmarks - the previous bookmarks
      newBookmarks - the new bookmarks
    • getBookmarks

      Set<Bookmark> getBookmarks()
      Gets an immutable set of bookmarks.
      the set of bookmarks.